This picture pretty much sums up how I've felt all day. London's been sick and I've been taking full advantage of the snuggle and rest time. :) Here's hoping the weekend will be slightly more productive...
via lotiekids on pinterest
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This picture pretty much sums up how I've felt all day. London's been sick and I've been taking full advantage of the snuggle and rest time. :) Here's hoping the weekend will be slightly more productive...
via lotiekids on pinterest
Posted at 07:56 PM in IMAGINE | Permalink | Comments (0)
Denmark seemed pretty cool to me before, but now it's positively oozing awesomeness. LEGO has it's sights set on making its headquarters in Billund, Denmark the "Capital of Children." A series of impressive projects are being rolled out, including The International School of Billund (opening August of this year). School standards are set by the international baccalaureate and the Danish school system while combining LEGO’s creative and playful approach. Other projects include multiple playgrounds around the city, a historical tour walking trail, and a LEGO experience center where academic learning will combine with play for all ages to enjoy. Even local stores will be able to apply for a "Children Welcome Quality Mark" if they host child-friendly activities, which can range from a bakery who lets children help decorate cakes to a pharmacy with microscopes that children can look through. I am so impressed by the efforts that are being made to plan an entire community around children and even invite them to observe the more adult aspects of daily life.
All images courtesy Capital of Children
Posted at 06:17 PM in LEARN, PLAY | Permalink | Comments (0)
What a fun design! This play kitchen that can fold into a square or spread across a wall and each panel features pop-out "puzzle pieces" to be used as tools in the kitchen. I love the little washing machine and the working door. Designed by Zying Chai of Singapore.
Posted at 07:00 AM in PLAY | Permalink | Comments (0)
I finally took more pictures of what has been happening in our backyard. I swear every day it gets more thick and lush and I can't even see the back of our property anymore. I'm trying hard to just enjoy it and not analyze every little thing that needs to be done – a gardener's work is never finished!
Posted at 10:31 AM in ENJOY | Permalink | Comments (0)
It's a really strange feeling having to start thinking about baby gear after 4.5 years. Of course there are a million new products that have come out since then, which is fun but overwhelming. So many things I wish I would have had the first time around! Like these cute blankets, for instance. Even those nice thin swaddling blankets you see everywhere now. Woulda been nice. These ones from Etsy seller Juniper Wilde feature hand drawn illustrations printed on organic jersey knit fabric and would be great for either gender. Love the black and white!
Posted at 09:42 AM in SLEEP | Permalink | Comments (0)
Ideally I wanted to write this post at the beginning of Mother's Day, but let's be honest: I haven't been very on top of things lately. This Mother's Day seems extra special as it is also our 7th anniversary PLUS I am now about 10 weeks along with baby number two! Of course, I am cautiously happy - there is still a long way to go! - but it's hard not to be totally thrilled. It's been an interesting journey. If you would have asked me on our wedding day what I pictured our family to be seven years from then, I probably would have said I would have two kids and one more on the way. Funny how life really turns out. I never thought struggling with infertility would be anywhere in the picture, but for the last two and a half years, it has.
Sadly, I think I took my pregnancy with London partly for granted. Everything turned out perfectly, I had no complications and it ended with a great delivery. I wrongly assumed that it would be just as easy the second time around, but as the months turned into years, I started to lose hope. I chose to focus my energy on London and enjoy the time I had with her, which has been wonderful. But as friends gave birth to their seconds and thirds, my heart began to hurt. Going to baby showers or hearing my friends complain about the uncomfortable aspects of pregnancy only made me more discouraged and left me wondering what had changed within my body that was making it so difficult this time. Luckily I had one person who completely understood: my sister. Three months before I gave birth to London, she gave birth to Brooks, and the two love playing together now. She has also struggled with getting pregnant a second time and it has been very comforting to know that I wasn't the only one. Really, she has been the biggest strength and support and I hope that soon her prayers will be answered as well.
I promise to keep you all posted on how things progress in the coming months. Lately I have been in the throes of morning sickness (more like all-day sickness) which seems worse than last time. My energy has been at an all-time low, but I feel very lucky that London is at a great age when she can entertain herself and understands my needs for rest time. Scott has also really stepped it up, tackling the yardwork with a vengeance, and helping out with lots of housework that I just can't bring myself to do right now. Even as I type, he is busily doing dishes/laundry/dinner! What an amazing guy.
So there's my little (big) Mother's Day post. I hope you don't mind me being so personal! I just wanted to share my gratitude and what motherhood means to me at this stage in my life. When I look back on the photos from London's birth, I realize that I thought I understood what being a mother was all about and felt so ready and confident. Four and a half years later, my confidence has dwindled a bit, but I still plug along and give it the best I know how.
Posted at 09:22 PM in DISCOVER | Permalink | Comments (4)
I'm a huge sucker for bassinets, although considering the short amount of time they actually get used before baby gets too big and has to be moved to a crib, it's hard to justify buying a super nice one. Until now. With a little ingenuity and some add-on parts, this wooden bassinet from German company Wollnitz has the capacity to be transformed from beautiful bassinet to a rocker for two to a sailboat! I think it's safe to say I'm a bit breathless about this one.
Posted at 09:11 PM in SLEEP | Permalink | Comments (1)
We are all in awe as we watch our garden waking up to spring and admire the tiny miracles sprouting from the earth. As novice gardners, it took us a serious leap of faith to hack down so many perennial plants in the fall and just hope they would reappear when winter ended. They did not disappoint! These pictures were taken a few months ago, but everything has exploded since then and it looks like we are going to have a very lush backyard again this summer. The hard work has certainly paid off! I'll try to post some more recent pictures later this week... (p.s. Can you guess what London's favorite color is??)
Posted at 07:26 PM in IMAGINE | Permalink | Comments (2)
Um, do I even need to tell you how obsessed I am with this? Gorgeous use of materials, clever concept, functional and fun, this thing has got it all. Dreamed up by a young designer Ana Babic of Serbia (she's 26!), this storage wheel is called "Play" and is inspired by of course, playgrounds. It looks like manufacturing is currently in the works with Jasen, a Serbian furniture company. Let's hope it becomes available soon!
Posted at 08:00 PM in ORGANIZE | Permalink | Comments (0)